Friday, January 28, 2005

back to school

I've just completed my first week of uni... I must say it's very weird being back at school. I think I've been pretty overwhelmed with the stuff what has been bombarded on us in class, and I have heaps of reading to do plus a journal as part of my assessment. Although this course is pretty intensive, I'm finding it quite interesting and challenging... I'm supposed to be observing schools and teaching a segment of a class in 2 weeks time... erm ok!

This year my family got to celebrate Australia Day at the foreshore (along the Swan River) with about another million other people (it's the biggest event of the year in Perth)... had a picnic there with some family friends and watched about 40 minutes of fireworks! A spectacular event!

I haven't been taking many pictures lately, but I thought I'd just put a few semi-recent pics from my sister's camera up of our friends from church and us.

on the way to the river cruise + some of the gorgeous people at the river cruise

adrian and karlee + bryce

playing in our pool + creatures of the deep
des, serg and marj + sabina

Monday, January 17, 2005

the price of freedom

My first week of driving by myself has been extremely meaningful! For starters on my first day of being on my Ps, my friend came over to Perth from Melbourne and after hanging out with him as I drove down the road I was pulled over the road by cops for a breath test and a licence check! It was pretty hilarious, cuz I knew the cops would pick on P-platers but I didn't think it'd happen to me so soon! Been driving in the old white Ford Falcon, as it doesn't have a CD player, I've been familiarising myself with the local radio stations here... I found a Spanish programme, and also a Christian worship music station only available when in Kwinana (the southern outskirt of the city aka almost country) With the price of petrol increasing, I was very fortunate to have found a station with 88.9c price... esp beneficial cuz my car guzzles the fossil fuel. Hung out with my cousin Syl quite a few times this week which has been really great cuz she's normally very busy with work and all... and we watched Finding Neverland (totally recommend it). Also got to go to Planet Shakers (an awesome 4-day youth conference) on Friday night for the rally, I was so blessed by it... worshipping with over 2,000 people, I just felt so close to God, in a way I haven't felt in a long time, and although it was a gentle feeling, I couldn't speak for a long time after the meeting just because I was so overwhelmed.

On a quirkier note... this is something I read from Phil's blog this week which will make you reconsider if Nemo's dad was supposed to be his mother!

My brother is coming over from Sydney tomorrow to be with us for a few weeks! Can't wait to hang out with him!

Monday, January 10, 2005

watch out WA roads!

I'm officially a Western Australian provisional licence holder today! That means I don't have to scab rides off people anymore! It'll be another 2 years before I get my full licence, but for now I'm very content having the P-plates stuck to my car.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

a new year with lots of room for changes

I had an awesome Christmas with my family this year... all my dad's brothers and their families were in town to celebrate the festive season. By the end of the week, I think all of us cousins became really good at playing Absolute Balderdash and Taboo!

I'm looking forward to this year, 2005. Perhaps it's because of Christmas and stuff, but I totally forgot to mention in my previous post that I got accepted into Murdoch University's Graduate Diploma in Primary Education course! I am so chuffed! It was my first preference and it's also the closest uni to my house, so travelling to school will be easy! I'll be starting uni earlier than most people (24th Jan) because I have to attend the introduction unit to the course! I was supposed to go back to Hong Kong with my family for a week at the end of January, but with the course starting extra early... I'll have to plan my own trip back there another time I guess. Anyhow, I have a feeling it's going to be an intense year!