Tuesday, January 02, 2007

into the new year

I tried posting on New Year's Eve... but I think blogger had a few issues... anyway hope everyone had a good Christmas and New Year! For me, I was able to spend a week and a half with my relatives for the Christmas period. It was the first time in about 7 years that all my cousins have been together in the same place. My family got to see my cousin Sharon's son Ben for the first time too. I think the cousins have developed a love for playing poker as well... played that game 5 days in a row!

It was my gong gong's 90th birthday on the 27th December. The 100+ guests feasted on a 10-course Chinese banquet and even got to see the Ong cousins in action, singing Billy Joel's "Just the way you are" (not that my gong gong could hear us as he's pretty deaf and he was busy chatting with his friends! haha)

I gave in to celebrating New Year's this year (or was it last year?!) after much persuasion by Gayle and Corina... To consolidate my decision to celebrate the new year I even booked to have my make up done at Kit Cosmetics. Anyway I'm glad I didn't veg at home this year... it was actually fun... I went down to Rockingham for New Years.

Sorry I didn't take many pictures during the holiday period (was too busy eating)... will hopefully be able to upload some pics soon though. I'll leave you with a few pics from my last week of 2006.


Anonymous said...

Ann, you're too cute! Hope you have a great New Year!

annong said...

Sarah hope you have an awesome new year too! Are you going to be in Alaska for a while longer?

Anonymous said...

Happy new year :D Keep updating!

Velasque said...

Hey Ann,

Just drop by to say hi and that im ok.

love u