Monday, October 06, 2008

a month of posts - day six

Moving away from Hong Kong, I thought that the crazy busy pace of life would slow down... sometimes I wonder if I could ever be so wrong. I reckon it's we have learn to crave... for something to do... if there are gaps in the diary, we want to fill them up. Weird. I think it's a good thing to just slow the pace down every now and then, and just be able to balance it out. Recently I discovered I just couldn't cope with a clustered diary and needed to blank out spaces in my diary so I could have more 'me' time and feel more relaxed and happy.

I read a blog the other day and found out that there is a book called 'The Slow Guide To Melbourne'. It's a guide "for anybody who wants to slow down and live it up, seachange without shifting postcode. It celebrates all that’s local, natural, traditional, sensory and most of all gratifying about living in Melbourne". Wow what a wonderful idea, encouraging the modern day city slickers to enjoy their cities and to be able to lap up the scenes. Would love to see a Perth version.

images from kirin notebook

Currently loving:
- knowing that I will become an aussie citizen on Australia Day! yay!
- my friend Chris who managed to score a pair of Toronto Maple Leaf tickets for Kelly and I!!!!! woot woot! so excited!

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