Monday, April 17, 2006

easter - a brief picture summary

From one of my favourite comics: bc comic - 14th april 2006

The front cover of the West Australian and the page 11 article that went with the picture - Saturday 15th April. (click on the image to enlarge the article)


annettetherocker said...

Cool, my church is famous :)

*jessix* said...

And you helped with the frame! You're famous now!!

Mika said...

Finally I get to see what the front page looked like - thanks to you Ann. I received emails from AMP and Simone etc .. about the front cover page deal. Very cool!! It looked amazing. I wonder who were the ppl behind the tableau.. Nice! Anyhoo - hope you are well. Things are going well here in Osaka. Lovin it! all the photos are on my blog. :)

Anonymous said...

this is awesome! your church is so creative!!!